Yes! I want to learn more about switching to natural gas. Please send me more information.
Save up to 50% on your heating bill!
Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel and helps combat smog, acid rain and greenhouse gas emissions.
92% of natural gas delivered to customers is usable energy, compared to 32% for coal to make electricity.
You won't have to worry about natural gas running out. Plus, it's made in America.
Natural gas pipelines are the safest form of energy transportation - safer than by truck or rail.
almost 4 times more than natural gas, on average.
less to use in your home than electricity, heating oil, propane or kerosene.
Consumers Gas Cooperative (CGC), a member owned, not-for-profit natural gas cooperative, offers natural gas service to residential and commercial customers in your area.
As a cooperative, we provide reliability, safety and savings to our members. Service is provided without a profit motive and we accept residential and commercial members.
Many rural residents recognize natural gas as a safe, reliable and cost-effective form of energy. In increasing numbers, they have been requesting natural gas service. CGC has worked to extend natural gas service to this region and in selected areas throughout 35 counties in Ohio. For more information, visit our main site,
Contact a CGC member to learn more about gas availability in your area.